My GCSE Science provides best-in-class video tutorials and exam-preparation resources – an end-to-end solution for the teaching and learning of GCSE Science.
- Video tutorials across GCSE Biology, Chemistry, Physics, created by experienced subject-specialist teachers
- 140 topics for Combined Science, 200 topics for Triple Science
- Exam-style questions and answer schemes on every topic
- Multiple-choice quizzes on every topic
- Tutorials on maths skills and required practicals
- An integrated progress tracker for students to follow their progress through the specification
- Available for use at home and in school
- Foundation and Higher tier resources
For schools, our sophisticated, yet easy-to-use platform supports teaching, supports learning and improves results. Exclusive features available with school subscriptions only:
- A dedicated teacher dashboard to monitor student uptake and to track progress across the school.
- Student progress on each topic is measured objectively via their performance on our multiple-choice quizzes
- Free Triple Award access for up to 5 teaching staff