
The website support is fantastic, so administering several hundred student accounts is a breeze.

Mr Richard Denny, Science Curriculum Leader
Addey & Stanhope School, London

Read teacher testimonials

Teacher dashboard

A My GCSE Science school subscription comes with an intuitive and easy-to-use Teacher Dashboard.

The Dashboard provides fine-grained, objective data on student engagement and progress through the specification at the level of the individual, class and year group.

The Dashboard also features automatic marking. Our resources can be used with your VLE or Google Classroom. Teachers can easily see if assignments have been completed and how well each student has understood the topic. We also provide weekly leaderboards of students who are using the resources most actively.

About us

Best-in-class video tutorials and exam-preparation resources. Detailed data on student performance. An end-to-end solution for the Science Department. Our sophisticated, easy-to-use platform supports teaching, supports learning and improves results.

Meet the team

Our ethos

Teaching is more than just a job – and more than a profession. It’s a vocation. Nothing can match excellent face-to-face science teaching in school, provided by teachers with the time to teach. My GCSE Science is here to assist teachers in that vital role.

Our ethos

Teacher FAQ

What is My GCSE Science?

My GCSE Science provides best-in-class video tutorials and exam-preparation resources – an end-to-end solution for the teaching and learning of GCSE Science. 

  • Video tutorials across GCSE Biology, Chemistry, Physics, created by experienced subject-specialist teachers
  • 140 topics for Combined Science, 200 topics for Triple Science
  • Exam-style questions and answer schemes on every topic
  • Multiple-choice quizzes on every topic
  • Tutorials on maths skills and required practicals
  • An integrated progress tracker for students to follow their progress through the specification
  • Available for use at home and in school
  • Foundation and Higher tier resources

For schools, our sophisticated, yet easy-to-use platform supports teaching, supports learning and improves results. Exclusive features available with school subscriptions only:

  • A dedicated teacher dashboard to monitor student uptake and to track progress across the school.
  • Student progress on each topic is measured objectively via their performance on our multiple-choice quizzes
  • Free Triple Award access for up to 5 teaching staff

The videos have been created by experienced teachers of Science who are specialists in Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

To find out more about our teachers, see the ‘Meet the team’ section.

Whole school subscriptions

School subscriptions start at £495 per year. This includes free Triple Award access (worth £249) for up to 5 teaching staff. Exclusively with a school subscription, we provide a teacher dashboard to monitor student uptake and to track progress in GCSE Science across the school.

We provide whole-school subscriptions at bulk-discount rates, which translate to an exceptionally affordable cost-per-student.

Please use the schools quote form for a tailored quote based on the number of students you have and whether they are taking Double Science or Triple Science. Alternatively, email us at for further information.

Given the crisis in school funding, many of our subscriber schools have turned to parents to help pay directly for a My GCSE Science subscription. Schools can provide long-term access to students for their entire 9-1 GCSE course, while parents benefit from a deep discount on the individual subscription price.

Please email us at for a template letter to forward to parents (based on letters used already by some of our subscriber schools). For specific prices on the rates for schools, please use the schools quote form.

Providing access to students from disadvantaged backgrounds is a top priority for us at My GCSE Science. The resource is a proven method of raising attainment at GCSE and therefore improving life chances for students. The per-student cost of a bulk order of My GCSE Science is less than 1% of the Pupil Premium awarded per student and is therefore an extremely cost-effective way of raising student performance in both absolute terms and relative to alternative uses of Pupil Premium funds.

Please use the schools quote form for a tailored quote, or email us at for pricing and further information.

Entry Level Science videos and Revision Plus resources are available, free to all, to provide students and teachers alike with a comprehensive overview of the My GCSE Science approach. We are not able to offer free trials of our Double Award or Triple Award videos and Revision Plus resources.

If you wish to assess the efficacy of the videos for yourself, before committing to a purchase for the school, we suggest you implement a flipped classroom strategy with Year 9 or Year 10 students, using our free Entry Level resources, and encourage your students to use the videos as both a learning resource during the school year, and as a revision resource ahead of the exams.

We are confident that you will see a major impact on GCSE outcomes, as already reported at schools which have used this approach with My GCSE Science.

Of course: My GCSE Science is compatible with all iOS devices (both smartphone and tablet) and also the vast majority of Android devices (both smartphone and tablet).

How does Whole School Access work?

My GCSE Science is keen to keep access as efficient, straightforward and hassle-free as possible for students and teachers alike.

At subscriber schools, we provide each student with personal access, but at a deeply-discounted price secured by the school. The subscription ‘belongs’ to the student, so students take control of their learning and revision. At the same time, our teacher dashboard allows teachers to see which students have signed up and how they are using the resources.

If you would like more information on how My GCSE Science school subscriptions work, email us at Or take a look at our brochure for schools.

My GCSE Science can be used as a self-directed resource. Our videos and Revision Plus resources are extremely helpful for both learning and revision.

Use of My GCSE Science encourages independent learning at a critical stage in student development. The exam-style questions and answer schemes allow students to decide whether it is time to move on or whether to review the video and their notes again until they have fully understood a topic.

Of course the resources can also be used in the classroom to complement schemes of work. Teachers can ask students to watch and take notes from the video clips in advance of a lesson, during a lesson or subsequent to an assessment.

Yes. We provide  comprehensive student data to teachers. My GCSE Science provides a dedicated teacher login for each school which provides all teachers with access to our teacher dashboard. This dashboard facilitates assessment of student progress through the specification, helping teachers identify where to target interventions individually, across classes and across year groups.

For more information on the dashboard, email us at or take a look at our brochure for schools.


No problem. If you take out a school subscription we can provide a ‘white list’ of our video URLs that can be used to permission and allow students to view our material while at school as well as at home.

Email us at for further information.

Teacher Testimonials

Mr Philip Barton - CTL Science Department, Little Ilford School

We have been using My GCSE Science for 4 years now as a learning resource for our GCSE students. I started using the videos after subscribing to a personal account as a teacher. After using the resource for a year, I decided in my position as HOF that it would be really beneficial for all of our Year 11 students, mainly to soften the blow of the loss of coursework at the time.

We used the resource all through the following year and implemented a student voice to gauge the opinions of the Year 11s. A common theme that came through was that the students thought the resources were so good that they would have liked to have them available in Year 10. As a result of the student voice, we secured funding for students to have the resource from Year 10 through to Year 11.

We have now secured funding for Year 9 through to Year 11 as part of our Covid recovery programme this year. I think that this demonstrates our faith in the effectiveness of My GCSE Science as a learning resource for GCSE students.

There is no doubt that students who use the resource as part of spaced learning have higher attainment in the final GCSE exams.

Ms Siobhan Cowell - Teacher of Science - Millais School

When we reflected on the type of revision we wanted for our students and the skills we wanted them to gain during their GCSE course, independence was a key factor. My GCSE Science provides students with a clear starting point for their revision and an understandable pathway through the course. The revision cycle is set into perfect chunks for students and they receive immediate feedback to act upon. The teacher tracking section is really excellent and we use it all the time to help our students make progress. The students love the system and are able to work more independently as a result of using it.

The staff at My GCSE Science have provided me with so much help and know-how over the last three years we have subscribed. They are super efficient and make the whole process really easy. We signed up both our Year 10s and our Year 9s this year and it took no time at all to get them online and learning. It couldn’t have been any easier!

Mr Steve Parsons - IT Network Manager - Corfe Hills School

My GCSE Science is a great platform. The support is fantastic and any requests are always dealt with quickly. Little administration of the system is required and the tools are quick and easy to use. I can’t recommend them highly enough.

Dr Jessica Campbell - Deputy Head of Science - Bentley Wood High School

As a fully inclusive school it is wonderful to be sure that all students, regardless of ability or background, have access to the high quality tutorials they need to achieve.  My GCSE Science has enabled us to redesign our curriculum to include a lot more flipped learning. Now students are able to come to class having already mastered the core knowledge and we can spend lesson time applying this knowledge to challenging investigations. One of my Year 10 students said that watching the videos before the lesson “helps me feel more confident about putting up my hand in class”. I encourage all schools to speak to the My GCSE Science Team, our school subscription coordinator has been outstanding and helped make the process seem so easy!

Mr Richard Denny - Science Curriculum Leader, Addey & Stanhope School

Working with My GCSE Science has allowed us to completely redevelop our science curriculum. We have been able to bring a lot more compelling project learning, scientific and vocational contexts and practical work into our Year 10 and Year 11 time, secure in the knowledge that the core factual learning and exam preparation are laid out for our students in chunks of video and quizzes which appeal to them.

We set and monitor their progress via the Teacher Dashboard, and they move through their exam preparation in the library, at home, even in the playground on their phones! The traffic light system utilises a sense of competitiveness amongst some, and allows us to pick out and tailor support for pupils who might not otherwise speak out. The website support is fantastic, so administering several hundred student accounts is a breeze.

In short, My GCSE Science covers the exam grind, and lets my team get on with the magic of being science teachers!

Mr Philip Balmond - Head of Science, Thornden School

Our students and staff have been using My GCSE Science videos since they were first published. They annually play a role in our flipped learning, interleaving and retrieval practice in both our Year 10 and Year 11 schemes of work.

The students value the fact that the content that they have studied in school is summarised in short videos accompanied by relevant exam questions. These serve as useful learning checks for both students and staff.

We believe that My GCSE Science helps to support our students through the two years of GCSE to their successful completion.